
Governor Parson Announces $47 Million In Additional Expenditure Restrictions

(Jefferson City, MO) – Missouri Governor Mike Parson announced over $47 million in additional expenditure restrictions to ensure a balanced budget and the necessary funds to deal with COVID-19 going forward.

These restrictions include reduced funding for nine state agencies, Office of the Attorney General, and the General Assembly.

The restrictions include reduced funding for several state departments including the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, Office of Administration, Department of Revenue, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Mental Health, Department of Health and Senior Services, Department of Social Services, and the Department of Economic Development, among others. The Office of the Attorney General and the General Assembly have also worked to identify savings in their own budgets. 

Earlier this month, Governor Parson announced the first round of budget restrictions totaling $180 million. The Governor's Office will continue to advocate to the White House and Congressional Delegation for federal funding to help reduce the economic impact of COVID-19 in Missouri.