
Farmington Delays Start of School

(Farmington, Mo) - The Farmington R-7 School District faculty and staff says they have worked diligently throughout the Summer weeks to prepare for their students to "Return to Learn" on Tuesday, August 25th.  However, due to the most recent information and recommendations from the St. Francois County health officials and an increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, now at 635 total cases since March 22, the Board of Education and administration team has made a decision to delay the start of our school year for all students until September 8, 2020.  

The district says: "By pushing back the start date, we intend to do our part to help slow the spread of the virus in our community.  Further, we want to give students a better chance at a traditional face-to-face school experience this school year.  In light of the decision to begin school on the 8th of September, we will delay open house. This is extremely short notice and we sincerely apologize.  In our pandemic world we are responding to rapidly changing circumstances as best we can. The new dates for open house on all campuses will be September 1st, 2nd & 3rd.  More information will be shared by building administrators."

A nearly doubling of cases in 12 days in St Francois County now has officials concerned about the rapidly intensifying community spread.  At the present daily average of new cases, the county may top 700 cases by the end of the week.