
Another Big Jump in Virus Cases

(Park Hills, Mo) - Virus cases in St Francois County have jumped from 281 to 295.  This is the total amount of cases since March 22nd.  There are currently 62 active cases within the county, of which 22 are associated with either the Bonne Terre or Farmington prison outbreaks.  St Francois County Health Center Director Amber Elliot says the large increase in numbers over the past 30 days is concerning.

Elliot says just since noon Friday, there are an additional 7 confirmed cases that aren't even tabulated into the 295 case numbers, which on Monday when then new totals come up, would certainly put the total to over 300 cases.  Elliot is stressing that everyone needs to take this very seriously and wear masks, along with social distancing.  She says otherwise, the community spread that we are seeing now is geared to become potentially much worse over the next 2-4 weeks.