


Have you ever had the best of intentions for an action, and yet you put it off, thinking you will get to it later?

Procrastination is one of my weakest character traits, and I have fought for years to control the direction of my actions to be PRO-active, rather than RE-active.

This blog is one of those actions that I had great intentions for, and yet allowed to fall to the side of my road, and kept thinking "I'll get to it eventually."

Well, National Procrastination Day came and went this week, and I decided I will work harder for YOU...the listener, the audience, the Morning Go! Club member. (There's no club. It just sounds cool.)

So...here we go. I found some happy stuff to look at and make your afternoon better.

Baby Porcupine Wanders Around In England Zoo

Dakari the baby porcupine was seen wandering around its den at the Whipsnade Zoo in England. The zoo said the porcupette was born February 13th. The zoo also added that nocturnal rodents from Africa live solitarily before finding a mate and then remain monogamous for life.

omg...is that not the cutest? 

See? When you just DO IT TODAY, you'll feel better. I know I do.

:) Audra Caine